
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


S&T evaluation theory; alienation of S&T evaluation; reform of S&T system

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General Secretary Xi Jinping called for building a world S&T power at the Science and Technology Conference in 2016. To build S&T power by centennial of new China, it needs not only the support of resource elements, but also the institutional arrangement of rational allocation of these elements, and new models to stimulate noval innovations. It is the reform of evaluation system that plays a fundamental role in the key measures to find a new model for the reform of S&T system. For this reason, this study re-examines this issue from the perspective of the relationship between S&T system and S&T evaluation. Starting from the origin of S&T evaluation, this study explores the system problems of alienation of S&T evaluation. Facing the future, accordingly, this study puts forward suggestions on promoting the reform of S&T system with innovation as the core from three aspects to provide policy basis for building S&T power by the centennial of new China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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