
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


biomass energy; status and trends; challenges and countermeasures; development priority

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Under the dual pressure of energy shortage and environmental degradation, countries all over the world compete to develop safe, environmentally friendly and renewable biomass energy. Large-scale development and utilization of biomass energy can greatly promote ecological civilization construction, energy revolution and low-carbon economic development, and it is of great significance for ensuring national strategies (such as the beautiful villages construction, coping with global climate change, etc.) implementation in China. With an analysis of the status and trend of biomass energy development as the beginning, this study systematically analyzes the challenges of biomass energy development faced by China, and discusses the corresponding countermeasures China should adopt. Furthermore, the technical direction of biomass development are mentioned. The review can provide scientific and technological support for the rapid development of biomass energy technology in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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