
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


hydrogen energy; fuel cell; industrialization; development status

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Hydrogen is a clean secondary energy carrier, and hydrogen fuel cells (FC) have the advantages of high fuel energy conversion rate, low noise, and zero emission. Hydrogen is also a bridge between renewable energy and traditional fossil energy, via hydrogen fuel cells, the blueprint of clean energy utilization can be realized in the future. The major developed countries in the world have paid great attention to the development of hydrogen energy. At present, hydrogen energy and fuel cells have been initially commercialized in some sub-fields. For example, the research and commercial application development of hydrogen FC and FC vehicles are rapidly developing in Japan, the United States, and Europe, and they continues to innovate in hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, and hydrogen perfusion. China has followed the footsteps of developed countries in the world, while the imperfect hydrogen and fuel cell industrial chain leads to high cost. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen research on key materials, realize the engineering and localization of core materials and components, establish production lines, and complete the industrial chain as soon as possible. In view of these, China has already deployed complete vehicles, systems and stacks in the industry chain, but there are still few related companies of FC parts and components, especially the most basic key materials and components, such as proton exchange membranes, carbon paper, catalysts, air compressors, hydrogen circulation pump, etc. Although some Chinese companies have involved in above products, there is still a big gap on reliability and durability compared with internationally advanced products. Most of the key components still rely on imports. Moreover, the high cost of hydrogen production and transport, the imperfect infrastructure such as hydrogen refueling stations, and unsound technical standards and testing systems all limit the development of FC vehicles. To develop FC vehicles in China, we should accelerate the construction of hydrogen refueling stations drived by commercial vehicles in order to reduce the cost of hydrogen and FCs. We should also exploit the hydrogen FC vehicle industry cluster, and promote the development of the entire industry chain. In terms of safeguard measures and policy requirements, it is necessary to strengthen the top-level design, comprehensively depict the development path of hydrogen fuel cells; increase research investment to ensure that the core technologies are independently controllable; coordinate the industrial layout, guide the harmonious development of the industry chain; strengthen the formulation of standards to support the technological progress and industrial development. This paper analyzed Chinese and international industry chain structure and the development status of hydrogen energy and FCs. The development status and problems of Chinese hydrogen energy and FCs has been analyzed from two aspects of industrialization and technology. Also proposed is that the development suggestions of hydrogen energy and FCs based on the technology and industry characteristics. The development of hydrogen energy and fuel cells in China has also been prospected.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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