
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


technology-based poverty alleviation; potato industry; targeted approach to alleviating poverty

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Potato is the fourth most important crop in China, and nearly 70% of its production area overlaps the contiguous, destitute regions, which made potato one of the promising crops for poverty alleviation considering its economic value, high yield, and adaptability. Therefore, transformation of advanced potato cultivation techniques in severe poverty regions is an efficient and robust strategy for precise poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, potato production in China is threatened by several critical issues, including low coverage of virus-free potato seed tubers, infestation by various pathogens, and frequent natural hazards. These obstacles mentioned above impeded the improvement of potato sector, ultimately jeopardizing the poverty reduction through potato cultivation in impoverished rural areas. With endeavors from other institutions, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) put continuing efforts on optimization of virus-free seed potato production, enhancement of application technology of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, eco-friendly techniques for disease and pest management, and other related research fields in recent years, resulting in the emergence of a Green, High-efficient, Integrated Technique Cultivation (GHITC) system for potato growers and their poverty alleviation. Great achievements have been obtained by introduction of GHITC system to Guizhou, Ningxia, Inter-Mongolia and other potato-growing poverty regions. In this study, we comprehensively rule out the key issues in poverty alleviation through potato industry, systematically summarize advantages of potato GHITC system as well as its contributions to precise poverty alleviation, and speculate future investigations on standardized production, differentiated application, and systematized innovation.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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