
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


professional master graduates' supervisors; performance evaluation; talent education objective; index system

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According to the need of human resources for national science and technology development, it is crucial for the development of senior talents to carry out the reform for professional master graduates' education and management. Performance evaluation for professional master graduates' supervisors is regarded as a fundamental method to examine the abilities and achievements of all identities involved in education and thus plays a very important role like a baton in conducting an orchestra. Nevertheless, performance evaluation for professional master graduates' supervisors in universities and institutions throughout the country is inapplicable, considerably limiting its potential in master graduate education. In this study, we investigate the current status and issues of performance evaluation for professional master graduates' supervisors, propose several critical evaluation indexes from the viewpoint of graduate education, taking Chinese Academy of Sciences as example and optimize the performance evaluation system based on matrix modeling and expert comments. Finally, we present a set of methods to effectively evaluate the supervisors' abilities and achievements, aiming to guarantee the quality of education for professional master graduates.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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