
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


animal husbandry; sustainable development; high quality; green development

Document Type



Through forty years of reforming and opening up, the integrated production capacity of animal husbandry industries in China is continuously improving. Such improvement is characterized by the continuous optimization of animal product structure, further improvement of the quality and safety control system, significant improvement of overall quality of the industry, and the steady progress of the 'green development' program. Nowadays, the animal husbandry industry has become one of the pioneers in the progress of establishing modern agricultural systems in China, and achieving sustainable development has become a priority issue for current and future period. This article analyzed the main problems restricting the sustainable development of animal husbandry, and elaborated the potential strategy of promoting the sustainable development of animal husbandry in current and future period. It stated that the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry should be accelerated, with the establishment of the mechanism of livestock-farming cycle and the environment for sustainable development of high quality animal husbandry industry. An animal husbandry system which is resource saving, environment friendly, and ecologically protective, will provide strong support in achieving China's goal of better agriculture, richer farmers, and more prosperous and beautiful rural areas.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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