
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


foreign academician system; foreign academicians; international cooperation and exchange; comparative study

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The foreign academician system originating from Europe derives from the internationalization of the academician system and is also an important part of internationalization. Drawing on international practices, the foreign academician system of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was established in 1994 after a long and tortuous design process. With the development of globalization, foreign academicians have increasingly become an influential force in international cooperation and exchanges. To ensure the better functioning of foreign academicians, major western countries have formed effective mechanisms in their construction process. And our system has fully absorbed international experience and is also deeply rooted in the process of localization. The continuous improvement of comprehensive strength and the influence of the long history have formed our own characteristics. This work comparatively study the development and working mechanism of foreign academician systems. On this basis, some measures are put forward to further optimize the CAS's foreign academician system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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