
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


world science and technology center; characteristic analysis; transfer pattern; S&T revolution; five-element diamond model

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Since modern times, Italy-England-France-Germany-the United States have become the world scientific and technological centers. Social factors, such as economic development, ideological emancipation, education prosperity, government support, as well as the emergence period of scientific and technological achievements, have led to the formation and replacement of the world science and technology center, the five-element diamond model can be used for effective analysis. The future world science and technology center may not only be one center, but also present the trend of multi-center and accelerate the transfer to the Asia-Pacific region. It has the common characteristics of science and technology center in history, and has the new characteristics of networking, globalization and so on. The world scientific and technological innovation has entered an unprecedented period of intense activity, providing a rare "window of opportunity" for China to establish world science and technology center. The urgent task is to perfect the talent policy, construct a friendly environment for innovation, speed up the establishment of the world education center, and preempting frontier research and subversive technological innovation, realize the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation and make greater contributions to peaceful development and sustainable prosperity of the world.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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