
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


marine ecosystem; human activities; long-term monitoring and research; sustainable utilization and protection of biological resources

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Based on the long-term ecological monitoring and research for more than 30 years, it has been revealed that the sea water from the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant will not affect the changing trend of the Daya Bay ecosystem, and has also solved the longterm debate about the impact for waste warm water from nuclear power plants on the Daya Bay ecosystem in the world. The research has also promoted the development of the new interdisciplinary-Quantitative Marine Ecology. Population diversity and production mechanism in the South China Sea have been clarified, and also promoted the development of bio-oceanography. The three-dimensional structure of sudden algal blooms and formation & vanishing mechanisms have been revealed that they are caused by typhoons and tsunamis, and have also expanded the application of remote sensing technology in marine ecology research. It has been revealed that molecular ecological mechanisms of mangroves involved in the response to heavy metal and chilling for oxidase system, type Ⅱ metallothionein and CBF/ DREB2 genes, and the research has been leading the international mangrove molecular ecology. It has been improved for the research level of marine ecological protection and utilization of biological resources in China, and promoted to the new stage of development of marine ecological protection and marine biological high-tech industry in China. The research results have also laid a theoretical foundation for the evolution process and law of marine ecosystems in tropical and subtropical sea areas in China, and have an important impact both in and outside of China. It will provide the important theoretical basis and technical support for the protection of marine ecological environment and the sustainable development of biological resources in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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