
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


western institutes of CAS; development of young scientific and technological talents; suggestions

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Development is the top priority, and talent is the first resource. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to implement a coordinated development strategy of regions and intensify measures to promote a new layout for the western development. Due to the influence of history, environment, humanities, and other factors, the economic and social development level of the eastern and western regions is quite different. The western region faces major challenges in attracting and retaining the talents. The lack of high-level scientific and technological talents has become a constraint to the economic and social sustainability of the western region, which seriously hampered their development. This study takes the young scientific and technological talents of the institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the western part of China as an example. Based on the questionnaires, a research on the development problems of the young scientific and technological talents in the western China institutes has been conducted, and the differences of the young scientific and technological talents in various disciplines/affiliations are analyzed. The development mechanism of the young talents in western China based on the regional resource characteristics is constructed, and the countermeasures and suggestions are proposed.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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