
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


five years anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative; institutional framework; economic development; economic globalization; global governance; debt management

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This paper summarizes the major works that have been carried out during the 5 years after the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by President Xi Jinping. These works include that the basic institutional framework has been built up, some key infrastructure projects have been launched, and some cooperative development zones have been established, as well as the important supporting system has been also set up for guaranteeing the smooth construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. This paper also explains the important factors why China proposed and implemented the Initiative, such as accelerating world economic growth particularly for the developing countries, promoting economic globalization, improving global governance, and supporting UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Based on the 5 years' experience of the Belt and Road implementation, the Initiative reflects correctly the mega trend of the world development and global cooperation, as well as the common interests of China and other relevant countries participating into the cooperation, therefore, there is very much likely bright future for the Initiative and the implementation of the Belt and Road. However, feasible policies and measures are also needed according to some problems occurred during these five years.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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