
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital economy; economic growth; non-agricultural employment; input-occupancy-output model

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With the emergence of digital technology, the digital economy will have far-reaching impact on Chinese economy, which will not only promote the faster growth of gross domestic product (GDP), but also increase productivity, transform consumption composition, optimize investment structure, enhance the scale of enterprise export, improve the quality of human capital, and lead the development of intelligent cities. This study estimates the scale of Chinese digital economy by using a non-competitive input-occupancy-output model, including the effects of three types of expenditure (consumption, capital formation, and exports) on employment. The results show that, first, the integration of information and communication technology industry and the traditional industry can drive the expansion of economic scale, especially the increasing of network consumption, so that the consumption-oriented employment is expanding gradually (the proportion of non-agricultural employment of total employment from 15.2% in 2014 increases to 20.2% in 2016). Among them, the health industry, culture and entertainment industry, and communication industry take a leading development. Second, the impact of digital economy on technologyintensive manufacturing industries employment is the strongest. At the same time, the digital economy also promotes the transformation of industrial economy from a labor-intensive to technology-intensive industry. Third, the digital transformation brings the increase of productivity and innovation, and promotes the cultivation of vocational skills. The digital economy is conducive to the cultivation of the higher-skilled employment, and transformation of human capital from low cost-oriented to vocational skill-oriented.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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