
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


science popularization; system of the rule of law; construction of the rule of law

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President Xi Jinping emphasizes that scientific and technological innovation is equally important as science popularization. Strengthening the rule of law in science and technology is the primary task to ensure the smooth development of science popularization in China. Based on the improvement of the rule of law system and the realization of the objective of the rule of law, this paper systematically reviews the development context, current situation and effectiveness of the construction of the rule of law in China's science popularization, and then points out the challenges and problems facing the construction of the rule of law in China's science popularization, on the basis of the experience of the rule of law in the world of science and technology in the world. The thinking and prospect of the current rule of law in China's science popularization are put forward.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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