
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


scientific and technological innovation; talent programs; research funding; talent management system

Document Type



Talents hold the key to scientific and technological innovation. For China's development in the new era, it is essential to attract and train a significant number of excellent talents. Currently, China's talent program design and management are imperfect, forcing many young scientists to spend much of their time and energy pursuing research resources allocated by a variety of "titles". To solve this problem, we need to first expand the successful talent programs such as "Thousand Talent Program" and "Ten Thousand Talent Program", particularly focusing on supporting young scientists with great potentials. We also need to respect the objective laws of scientific research by reforming our funding system, establishing both project-based and scientist-based funding mechanisms, and providing support to all developmental stages of young scientists. In particular, we need to establish a system at the national level to guide and manage all the talent programs in China, improving the review process and strengthening the post-funding-period evaluation. In order to build China into a science and technology giant, it is of great significance to further improve talent program design and management.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


习近平. 在中国科学院第十九次院士大会、中国工程院第十四次院士大会上的讲话. [2018-05-28]. http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2018-05/28/c_1122901308.htm.
