
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


France; science and technology power; science and technology innovation system; national research institutions; development strategy

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After the World War II, General Charles de Gaulle began to establish national research institutions in batches, strived to build an independent scientific and technological innovation system, and continued the top-level design of national innovation strategies.These actions have made both indelible contributions to France's "brilliant three decades" in the science, technology, and high-tech industries from 1960s to 1980s of the 20th Century, and to world's economic, military and technological power.This article, taking the end of World War II as the starting point, discusses the main path of building a scientific and technological power from eight aspects: the establishment of national scientific research institutions, the construction of national science and technology innovation system, talent training, basic research, scientific research environment construction, transformation of achievements, evaluation of science and technology, and national innovation strategy layout.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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