
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


patent right; operation; transformation

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Patent right operation is a series of activities which focus on patent right value realization. These activities are different from intermediary service activities such as evaluation, broker, or guarantee. The value of patent comes from being transformed. Therefore, all the patent right operation activities should be carried out around patent transformation. Only the patent which could be transformed could get the opportunity to license, cross license, or transfer. Only the patent which could be transacted could be taken as assets to financially contribution, pledge, trust or securitization. And only the patent which is already transformed could be charged. Making clear the contents and traits of patent right operations is the start point for summarizing the necessary conditions of patent right operation, which covers patent, channel, and industry. The patent needs to be of high quality, clearly property, and with great legal protection. The channel needs to be with comprehensive intermediary service, transparent transaction rules, and great abilities. The industry needs to be on a large market and with cluster enterprises.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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