
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


large data fusion technology; multidimensional information collection; pesticide residue; dietary exposure risk; prewarning risk

Document Type



Two systems of dietary exposure and prewarning risk assessment of pesticide residue were constructed using models of food safety index and risk coefficient, respectively. A customized software of risk value automatic calculation-multidimensional information collection was developed. The risks of pesticide residues in the marketed fruit and vegetable samples in China from 2012 to 2015 were assessed on the basis of detection data. Multi-dimensional information was collected and analyzed including fruit and vegetable species, pesticide category, regions, maximum residue limit standards, and so on. The assessment results of dietary exposure risk indicate that the majority of risks are acceptable in the marketed fruits and vegetables of 9 823 (LC-Q-TOF/MS) and 12 551 samples (LC-Q-TOF/MS), respectively, but there are still 0.56% and 0.54% of them unacceptable. By the comparison of prohibited and non-prohibited pesticides, the frequency ratios of unacceptable dietary risks in total frequency are hiked at 20 (GC-Q-TOF/MS) and 55 (LC-Q-TOF/MS) times, while the ratios of high prewarning risk are 17 (GC-QTOF/MS) and 23 (LC-Q-TOF/MS) times respectively. The risks of the prohibited pesticides are significantly higher than that of the non-banned pesticides. Strict supervision and regulation of banned pesticides should be strengthened. The top fruits and vegetables with unacceptable dietary exposure risks of high prewarning risk are listed in this study. In addition, it could be found that the maximum residual limit standards established by European Union were obviously more strict and complete than that of China, so China must speed up the establishment of relevant standards. This study could provide important basis for real-time diagnosis and precise supervision of risk level of fruits and vegetables, thus reduce the risk of food borne pesticide residues and ensure people's tongue safety.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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