
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


soil acidification; inhibition of soil acidification; amelioration of acidic soils; scientific issues

Document Type



Soil acidification of croplands in South of China became serious in recent decades. This not only led to the reduction in crop yields, but also enhanced uptake and accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural products, which threatened peoples' health. The main scientific issues for soil acidification control are:(1) the distribution of acidic soils in detail and the critical pH and soil Al concentration to harm various crops are not clear; (2) the prediction of soil acidification trends needs to be investigated; (3) the controlling strategies for soil acidification need to be developed. It is significant for sustainable agriculture and revitalizing rural economy to develop various technologies to ameliorate soil acidity and inhibit soil acidification and thus maintain soil acidity at low level.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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