
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


soil; soil science; soil functions; ecosystem services; sustainable development goals

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Soil is non-renewable resource supporting the life of human beings. Soil ecosystem services are of great importance in sustaining food security, ecological and environmental health, biodiversity, and climate change mitigation. Inappropriate use and management of soil resources inevitably lead to adverse impacts on food security and environments such as low use efficiency of nutrients, severe pollution, eco-environmental degradation, and loss of biodiversity. The solutions to address the problems most probably have to involve sustainable management of soils. The priorities of development at present in China including food security, targeted measures for poverty alleviation, the construction of ecological civilization and rural revitalization are the needs by self-development and also positive responses to the United Nation's "2030 Global Sustainable Development Agenda". The key to the success for realization of the development goals greatly relies on the efficient use and sustainable management of soil resources. It is urgent for soil science to strength the pertinent basic and applied studies and multidisciplinary cooperation. Governments, enterprises, and the public need to enhance the awareness of soil ecosystem services. It is also important to respect and share data, knowledge, and achievements of soil science to avoid repeated investment. We must work together to promote the coordination and implementation of sustainable soil use and management policies, formulate stricter soil protection laws, for the overall sustainability of the shared future of mankind.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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