
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


black soil protection; status and problems; fertility increase; effect and suggestions

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Black soil region in Northeast China is one of the best fertile soil regions, with sound quality soil environment, which favorites agricultural productions. Soil fertility has been changed a lot after black soil has been utilized as farmland for about 200 years. Soil fertility was enhanced in the early period of black soil being reclaimed due to the occurrence of suitable ratio among nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, though soil organic carbon (SOC) decreased. Soil fertility was decreased as soil organic carbon decreased after 30 years that black soil had been reclaimed, which resulted in black soil degradation. Chinese government has taken many measures to protect black soil and significantly effect has been observed. Therefore, it is suggested that the research related to black soil protection should be carried on thoroughly, and accompanied policy for black soil protection should be strengthened with sustainability. It is also recommended to establish field observation stations to obtain valuable data, implement the integrated system of technology, management, and production for black soil protection management, finally to realize the overall black soil protection.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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