
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Chinese Academy of Sciences; innovative research funding model; Research Program of Key Frontier Sciences

Document Type



Initiated in 2016, the key Research Program of Frontier Sciences is implemented by the Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education as a new tool of management. With the goal of "laying a solid foundation exploring the unknown and seeking to be a pioneer", the program strongly supports a number of proven research projects carried out by eminent academicians and scientists, as well as some young and middleaged scientists who are dedicated to making contributions to the development of science and technology with great loyalty, diligence, and determination. This program, which conforms to the talent status and development trend of CAS, is an innovative measure in line with the policy of reforming to streamline administration, dalegate powers, and improve regulation. With an emphasis on free scientific exploration, this program aims at giving full play to scientists' subjective initiative and creativity, and creating a flexible environment for their scientific research, so that they can make breakthroughs in new theories and scientific research fields. At the same time, it is expected that through the innovated funding and management model, this program will provide a reference for China's future reform of management and funding models in fundamental sciences.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


国务院.国务院关于全面加强基础科学研究的若干意见, 国发[2018] 4号.[2018-01-31]. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2018-01/31/content_5262539.htm.

陈宜瑜.科学发展观引领基础研究前行.光明日报, 2012-11-08(09).

郝柏林.对基础研究的一些认识.中国科学院院刊, 2004, 19(4):293-295.
