
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


traditional crafts; diversity of social mode; techno-culture; higher education

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Chinese government has recently enacted documents to revitalize the traditional crafts, determining this significant task from a strategic perspective. Most scientific and technical scholars as well as the ones of humanities and social science should seize this unprecedented historical opportunity, base upon the situation of China, strengthen modern science consciousness, establish the social system of technology and culture which focuses on the sinological value of traditional Chinese craft and forms a style of its own, and extract the solid and distinctive vitality elements including state system technology, value system technology, social structure technology, cultural narrative or Chinese story technology, and the technology with rich historical documents and oral tradition, etc. We should improve the ability of self-interpretation and future inheritance, increase China's cultural confidence, and carry forward China's excellent traditional culture. At the same time, we should also master the knowledge system of the modern world, analyze the basic problems of mutual respect between China and the West, produce high-quality scientific research achievements, formulate effective countermeasures for dialogue and cooperation, and increase the power of international discourse. In addition, the shared excellent academic achievements between Chinese and western circles with national culture subjectivity, transcultural perspective, and specific operation case should be extended to China's higher education to quicken discipline construction and attach great importance to talent cultivation, making the revitalization of traditional crafts a high-end business in the service of China's modernization and enriching the connotation of the world civilization dialogue.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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