
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


plastic litter; microplastics; source control; management countermeasures

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The microplastic pollution is becoming a hot topic at home and abroad recently. Most of the microplastics in the environment comes from the decomposition of the plastic blocks, so it is essential to control the plastic litter to sovle the problem of microplastic pollution. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the present management system of the plastic litter, the countermeasures to control the source of plastic litter and microplastic pollution are suggested, including improvement of the legislation on the plastic management, modification and complementation of the related standards, enhancement of the administrative policies, etc. By referring to the international experience, the management of the microbeads should also be emphasized. It is suggested to ban the production and sale of pharmaceuticals and personal care products with microbeads. Moreover, the microplastics removal technology should be strengthened. In summary, the technical innovation should be further strenthened in the plastic indistures, the cleaner production and resource recycling should be carried out by the plastic producers and consumers to reduce the discharge of the plastic litter to the environment, which is the fundamental solution to the plastic and microplastic pollution.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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