
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


China; industries; international competitiveness; evolutionary trends; policy suggestions

Document Type



The strategic actions that the developed countries have taken to revive manufacturing have brought severe external challenges to the development of China's industries. It is necessary to deeply analyze the current situation and evolutionary trends of international competitiveness of China's industries in the period of deepening the adjustment of industrial upgrading globally. With the united nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (un Comtrade Database), this study quantitatively analyzes the international competitiveness of China's industries from 2000 to 2015 by using such indicators as the international market share, the revealed comparative advantage index, the trade competitive index, and the price index. The results demonstrate that China's labor and resource-intensive industries are more competitive internationally, whereas the comparative advantages of some labor and resource-intensive industries are declining; the competitiveness of some capital and technology-intensive industries is rising, while those industries are still at the low value added scenario in the global value chain. Specifically, this article posits the following policy implications as developing strategic emerging industries and building new competitive advantage, improving innovative capacity of industries by innovation-driven strategy, participating actively global governance and constructing external environment, and establishing innovation ecosystem of industries.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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