
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); United Nations; agenda 2030 for sustainable development; sustainable development goals (SDGs); infrastructure construction; historical opportunities and challenges

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In September 2015, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all member States of the United Nations set the ambitious goal of sustainable development in three dimensions, namely, economic development through good governance, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. The study aims to link up the "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI) with the SDGs. Combining the field research on infrastructure construction projects funded by state-owned enterprises in Indonesia and Cambodia, we try to understand the challenges in China's BRI implementation, further to analyze the extent to which China's BRI is participating in and promoting the achievement of the SDGs for other developing countries. The study shows that although China's BRI still faces challenges in its implementation, under the framework of the SDGs, if different interest needs and concerns of participant states could be considered, linking BRI with the SDGs at the level of policy implementation, integrating the projects into the national and local development agenda of the government, thus, the implementation of BRI not only will promote China's economic growth, but also will greatly enhance China's international image and international discourse rights. Ultimately, this great initiative will achieve the historic mission of "the community of human destiny", putting forward by Chairman Xi towards a common prosperity.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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