
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Tibetan Plateau; natural hazards; disaster risk; climate change; tectonic activities

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The Tibetan Plateau, with the features of strong tectonic activities, complex geomorphology, and changing climate, is being highly prone to the occurrence of natural hazards, such as earthquakes, debris flows, glacial lake outburst, torrential floods, landslides, avalanches, snowstorm, and drought. Affected by regional tectonic activities, topography, climatic conditions, and human activities, these hazards are mainly distributed along the fault zones, the deep-incised valleys, and the regions highly disturbed by engineering construction. Moreover, the occurrence of different hazards shows up the characteristics of high frequency, outbreak, seasonality, quasi-periodicity, agminate appearance, and hazard chain. In addition, frequency and scale of mountain hazards are supposed to get higher for the climate warming and active crustal movement, which increases the risk of disasters. Meanwhile, the increasing density of population and economy will make the situation of vulnerability and risk worse. The current deficiency of the theoretical comprehension, forecasting and prevention technology, protection strategy, and risk management for natural hazards in the Tibetan Plateau has been analyzed and sorted. Furthermore, we propose the topics that are worthy of more attention in the future research, including the change of formative factors and the regional law of hazard formation, dynamic process and mechanism of hazards, evolution of catastrophe caused by the coupling of climate change and earthquake, risk assessment and risk management, monitoring and prevention technology concerning the alpine environment in Tibetan Plateau.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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