Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
climate change; the Paris Agreement; Belt and Road Initiative; green transformation
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Global warming is causing serious, universal, and irreversible impacts to humans and ecosystems. From the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement, multilateral conference about carbon emission reduction has been through an arduous way. In early June of 2017, the United States announced their retreat from the Paris Agreement, which will add a negative shadow to the gloomy prospect of global emissions. As the world's largest developing country, China is much more vulnerable to the adverse effects derived from climate change because of its large population, complex and varied topography. Climate warming will increase the risk in social system to a large degree. Meanwhile, at present, China is in its important historical period of domestic economy transformation and of realizing "Belt and Road Initiative", which requires us to view the issue of climate change at the height of defending the national security, and also requires us to give full play to the leadership in the global climate governance system. This issue is not only relevant to our wide participation in global governance and our responsibility of building the community of human destiny, but also is beneficial for the inherent requirements to realize sustainable development, to promote green low carbon transformation, and to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of China.
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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Recommended Citation
Xianchun, Tan; Baihe, Gu; and Yi, Wang
"Impact Analysis and Countermeasures for Climate Change on Long-term Development of China,"
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 32
, Article 13.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.2017.09.013
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