
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


climate change; green development; low carbon transition; low carbon innovation; global governance

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Climate change is recognized by science as one of the most serious problems that should be addressed positively by the human society, and is also inherent in the concept of global governance. The adoption of the Paris Agreement indicates that green and low-carbon development has already become the new trends in world development. To achieve the common goal of addressing climate change, it is necessary for countries around the world to the strengthen cooperation and enhance the action overtime, among which the developed countries should achieve low-carbon transition at their earliest possibility, while developing countries should find its own creative and innovative way of low-carbon development. China has provided positive and active contribution in the global climate governance, and will, under the guidance of "Five Concepts for Development", deepen and improve its strategy and policy to address climate change, as well as make further contribution to global climate governance.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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