
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


biological invasion; integrated management; genetic regulation

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Biological invasion is defined as exotic species invading a new area naturally or artificially, thus bringing harm to the local ecological system. Since no natural enemies for the exotic species existed in the local ecological environment, population of the invasion species increases dramatically and destroys local ecological environment, biodiversity, and economy. Recently, frequency and hazard of biological invasion are increasing along with the globalization. However, the current controlling strategy for invasion species relies on physical and chemical methods largely, which brings severe pollution to the environment and living organisms. Therefore, developing of new method such as genetic regulation technique (GRT) of less labor-dependent and environmental friendly is urgently needed. Here we summarized the current situation of biological invasion in China and described the development of GRT method. It is our expectation that the information included in this paper will offer a general view for future biological invasion management.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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