
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


mechanism; reconstruction; conservation; authenticity; world heritage

Document Type



There is so called "haze" between the unprecedented situation of top-level guidance and design and the current status of cultural heritage conservation in China, including lacking of enough awareness, deficiency of organizational framework, restraints of conservation characteristics, and barrier of mechanism. In order to overcome this "haze" and create new prospects, the author recommends the followings. Truly and continuously elevate the way of thinking and understanding of government authorities at all levels, to implement the lifelong accountability system and regulation for heritage conservation. Establish an integrated mechanism of professional consultation, assessment, and monitoring. Follow "the correct protection concept", precisely define the correct system of values, identify the "original state of cultural relics", stay firm at the authenticity concept and the relevant maintenance principle of "minimal intervention", reject "reconstruction" behavior under any improper concept. Fully respect the specialty and peculiarity of cultural heritage, pay high attention to the pressure and threats from the engineering projects on cultural heritage against the simple reform of "cut all at one stroke" mode. Pay highly attention to the international convention, display the World Heritage's flagship effect, and overcome the negative tendencies of "emphasizing the nomination, neglecting the management". Carry out an integrated protection of all types of heritage for building and improving the cultural heritage conservation system with Chinese characteristics based on facts and being practical and realistic.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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