
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


intensive agriculture; soil microbes; soil-borne pathogens; sustainable development; pesticides application

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With the agricultural modernization, intensive cultivations, which are characterized with high input of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides and high yields, mono-crop species consecutive culture, and large multiple cropping index, have become main patterns of crop production in China. Due to knowledge shortage on the propagation of soil-borne pathogens, soil-borne diseases of crops are spreading very rapidly among the intensive agricultural systems. The issue is now seriously challenging to the sustainable development, food safety and environmental protection in China. For effectively suppressing the spread of soil-borne diseases and realizing the target of "zero-increasing of pesticides consumption by 2020", we propose to take a survey with censuses on soil-borne pathogens overall the country, apply pesticides on the population density of soil-borne pathogens, strengthen the research on soil-borne pathogens and diseases, and disseminate the knowledge on propagation of soil-borne pathogens and crop management.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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