
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


green consumption; material flow; consumption efficiency; alternative consumption; mobike

Document Type



In the last two decades, theories and practice of green production have been systematically developed in China, while studies and practice of green consumption has seldom been examined in the relative sense. This study aims to analyze green consumption through three relevant and systematic aspects from the perspective of material flow and consumption efficiency. It is emphasized that, on the why issue of green consumption, the consumption level will become the main factor impacting on resource and environment after the stability of populations and the great improvement of technical efficiency; on the what issue, the research focus should be on the maintenance efficiency, service efficiency and satisfaction efficiency except the flow efficiency; on the how issue, the alternative consumption needs to be advocated as the future direction of green consumption, which is of great significance to understand the rising sharing economy. Finally, mobike is utilized as a case study to illustrate that ecological civilization construction in China needs to create the Chinese story of green consumption.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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