
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


China's socialism modernization; world sci-tech innovation power; world manufacturing power; three in one strategy

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May 30, 2016, on the "Sci-tech Three Conferences" (National Conference on Science and Technology Innovation, the Conference of the Academicians, and the 9th National Congress of China Association for Science and Technology), President Xi Jinping first suggested that our targets for national sci-tech development is that by the time when the People's Republic of China has been established for 100 years, China shall become a world sci-tech innovation power, which is also an important constitution of China's socialist modernization. Starting from China's Modernization Goals by 2050, and the goals of becoming a world sci-tech innovation power and a manufacturing power, by means of analyzing global growth model, this study predicts the long term development from 2015 and 2050, including indexes such as national GDP, GDP per capita, fixed capital stocks, R & D capital stocks, human capital stocks, labor productivity, manufactory industry added-value, and high-tech industry added-value, and compares them with those of the United States as well. Conclusion shows that by 2050 when China has finished the socialist modernization, China will also emerge as a world sci-tech innovation power and world manufactory power. From the perspectives of interrelations among economic power, manufactory power, and sci-tech power, we propose a three in one strategy for strengthening the country, argue that only the integration of economy, industry, and science and technology could contribute a benign cycle of mutual demands, mutual engines, mutual supports, and mutual promotions among them, based on which this articles also anticipates three stages for China becoming a world sci-tech power.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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