
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


scientific and technological innovation; talent; nationality limitation; immigration policy

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In today's era, science and technology plays an increasingly important role in forming national and industrial competitiveness at the global level. Talents hold the key to scientific and technological innovation. For China's development, it is essential to attract excellent talents worldwide, guarantee their rights and interests, and tap their potential to the full. China now faces the task of transforming and upgrading the real economy through original creation and innovation. In this context, we urgently need high-caliber scientific and technological talents. To fulfill this need, it is necessary to broaden our vision and diversify the channels to select outstanding talents globally. To attract global highcaliber scientific and technological talents, we suggest to reform relevant policies including immigration and scientific funding to provide talents with foreign nationality a better environment of living and doing research.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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