
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


innovation development; major S & T power; historical evolution; measures and suggestionss

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The 'Three Steps' strategy of building China a major S & T power by 2050 is the top guideline of science, technology, and innovation development in China. By summarizing the historical evolution of those generally recognized major S & T powers, this article argues that there are multiple possible ways a country evolving into a major S & T power, from the perspective of economic development, social progress, talent pool, S & T revolution opportunities, and so on. By analyzing the basis, problems, and situation of building China a major S & T power from the view of S & T development, innovation and transformation, and the opportunities of S & T revolution, the paper judges that China is in an important period of strategic opportunities evolving into a major S & T power. At the end, on the basis of analyzing the innovation development visions of 2030 and 2050, this paper puts forward the idea and suggestions to build China a major S & T power.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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