
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


version 2.0 of "One Belt and One Road" initiative; new globalization; the global commons; community of common destiny

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The changing of world political atmosphere and the need to solve practical problems of "One Belt and One Road" initiative are key considerations behind the updated version of the initiative. "One Belt and One Road" version 2.0 has three advantages over its predecessor. First one is about time. The version 2.0 of the initiative exceeds the boundaries of times:instead of going back to find connections with ancient history, the version 2.0 of the initiative links present with the future of our times. Second one is about space. The version 2.0 not only provides a platform for connectivity in Eurasia, it also prepares a worldwide stage for countries all over the world to join in. The version 2.0 opens a new era for Europe and Asia and it will create "Eurasia 2.0". The version 2.0 also helps the traditional ocean concept to evolve, bringing us a "Deep Ocean Era" involving South America and Arctic countries. The third one is about development. The version 2.0 of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative will facilitate the development of the connections among countries joined the initiative beyond the infrastructure level:it will help humankind to build a brand-new civilization in which everything of our daylily life are interconnected. Besides, the version 2.0 of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative leads the next wave of globalization in three ways. First, the initiative 2.0 is inclusive:it welcomes every country in the world to join in. Second, the initiative 2.0 shifts the globalization from "foreign aid oriented" to "investments attraction oriented". Third, by encouraging cooperation between "The North" and "The South"; "The Land" and "The Ocean", the version 2.0 of the initiative would embody a community of common destinity in which all countries' fates matter.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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