
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


people-to-people bond; the Belt and Road initiatives; Sri Lanka; safe drinking water; public interest projects

Document Type



Sri Lanka is located at the crossroads of Indian Ocean, which plays an important role in China's "the 21st century maritime Silk Road" initiative. In recent years, with the joint support from the governments of China and Sri Lanka, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has pioneered in taking a series of innovative actions in Sri Lanka to carry out cooperative research on the subject of chronic kidney disease of unknown causes (CKDu) by working closely with its international partner institutions. CKDu is an internationally recognized public health problem and is becoming a growing concern in Sri Lanka. CAS also actively responds to the concern of Sri Lanka in the drinking water problem and gives a helping hand to solve the problem. So far, China has constructed some public interest projects by the model of "GovernmentIndustry-University-Institute collaboration", and strives to enhance drinking water safety and security capabilities in Sri Lanka, which could promote the people-to-people bond between China and the countries along the Belt and Road.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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