
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


strategic shipping pivot; strategic hub; strategic corridor; strategic sea; China; the Belt and Road Initiative

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With the fast development of global trade and transportation of oil and minerals, reliance of national economic development on maritime shipping is increasing and thus shipping security becomes a major part of national security. For China, building strategic maritime shipping pivots is a key component of the development of the 21th Century Maritime Silk Road, and the security of international trade as well. This study tries to develop the notion of strategic shipping pivot and a method to identify strategic pivots at the global scale. The analysis results presented in this paper indicate that global strategic shipping pivots have clear spatial and structural differentiation in terms of strategic hub, strategic corridor, and strategic sea. There are 44 strategic shipping hubs distributed dispersedly in the world, which are the control points in each regional shipping network. There are seven strategic shipping corridors that channel most shipping routes and control most cargo traffic in the world, especially the strategic cargoes such as oil, coal, and minerals. Besides, there are three strategic seas, i.e. the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia-Pacific seas, where most shipping corridors and routes converge. Several of such strategic pivots are identified which are vital to the security of China's trade with other countries.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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