
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


summer precipitation anomalies; climate prediction; landing typhoon

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The equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over the central and east-central Pacific are in aneutral state at present and would keep this state through the coming spring and early summer of 2017, according to the real-time prediction result of the ENSO prediction system of Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP, CAS). According to the seasonal rainfall prediction at IAP, in summer (June to August) of 2017, the overall rainfall situation in China tends to perennial, there is little possibility of a large extent of flooding. A wetter-than-normal condition is predicted for most parts of south China, Huang-Huai basin, eastern part of North China, southern and northern parts of Northeast China, most parts of Xinjiang, and southern part of Tibetan Plateau, whereas the other parts of China will experience a drierthan-normal condition during the boreal summer. In this summer, the number of landing typhoons is predicted to be near normal.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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