
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


19th CPC National Congress; spatial governance; major function oriented zones; spatial planning; ecological civilization

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"Legislation-based, planning-oriented" is the core of modernization of spatial governance system, and whether we can reasonably planning the territory space and build beautiful homeland is an important indication of governance capacity. After 19th CPC National Congress, there will be an accelerating process of science, legalization, systematization, and democratization on China's spatial governance system and its capacity, which will mainly display in the following respects. Firstly, the major function oriented zones will tend to enhance its fundamental position of spatial planning, the major function oriented zoning will play "revolving door" role between development-planning and layoutplanning, the major function oriented zoning strategy will be significant towards long-term and stable development of territory space, and the major function oriented zoning institution will play increasing fundamental role in ecological civilization. Secondly, a spatial planning system covering all around the territory space will be initially completed, which with nation, province, and county as its basic units, with regional planning cross provincial district, prefecture-level city, and county as supplementary, aiming at regulating allocation of territorial resources, organization of spatial structure, implementation of regional policy at national, regional, and different spatial level. Thirdly, a ecological civilization system, with development-protection institution of territory space as its core, will be established to implement "Five Actions" including enhancing the ability of space governance, enhancing scientific management level, expanding resources carrying capacity, improving the quality of ecological environment, and enhancing market dynamics.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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