
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


China microbiome initiative; microbiomics; science and technology; strategy and planning proposal

Document Type



Microbiome is defined as the totality of microorganisms and their collective genetic materials in a well-recognized niche or an ecosystem and environment. It covers the interactions between microbes and their hosts or environments. Microbiomics is an emerging frontier of life science with multi-disciplines, and is considered worldwide to be of strategic importance. The developed countries such as United States of America and Japan have launched national plans/initiatives to support researches on microbiome, with the aim to strengthen national competitiveness and to expand human's understanding about nature and human itself. It is believed that the outcome of microbiome researches will provide new resources and innovative technology for social and economic developments, as well as improving the life quality of human beings. By reviewing the international plans/initiatives of microbiome researches, this article explores the opportunity and challenges for China and its scientists. With the emphasis on meeting national demands, authors propose the China Microbiome Initiative (CMI). The CMI identifies priority of human and environmental health, agriculture and industrial developments. National-demands-oriented, hypothesis-driven, and technology-innovations are general rules for CMI projects. Through the implementation of CMI projects, it is expected to make significant contribution to China's economic developmentsand socialcivilization.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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