
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


social attitude; network behavior; social governance

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Social governance pays much attention to requirement of all levels of society, so it is necessary to know public's social attitude,which reflects public's judgment and feeling. This paper introduced advantages and disadvantages of traditional self-report method by survey, andthen pointed out the feasibility of predicting social attitude based on Internet behavior.This paper introduces a model for predicting social attitudestudied by Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. As for application, we calculated social attitude of Guangdong provinceusing the model described above. The research conducted by University of Pennsylvania predicted life satisfaction using tweets and created US wellbeing map.The data predicted has a high correlation with the result by survey. The method by using predicting model could reduce cost, ruleout the influence of social desirability, and acquire the public's social attitude timely, which could be a complement of conventional socialsurvey method, and mutually to be a meaningful support to public policy making.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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