
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


cultural identity; self awareness; cultural identity of Chinese people; the Chinese socialist core values; cultural identity integration

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Cultural identity is a cultural consensus and recognition, including three levels, i.e., cultural forms identity, cultural norms identity, and cultural values identity. Chinese cultural identity is at the core of the Chinese nationality, and the cultural-psychological foundation of the Great Rejuvenation of Chinese nation. The essence of cultural identity is value identification. Main theories on cultural identity include theories adopting individual development perspective in developmental psychology, social identity theory in social psychology, cultural adaptation perspective in cross-cultural psychology, and ideological perspective in political psychology. Contemporary Chinese cultural identity has distinct characteristics reflecting the zeitgeist, which is characterized by intergroup differentiation and pluralism, a revival of traditional Chinese culture, a heightened identification with socialist core values, accompanied by modernity and global awareness. From a social psychology perspective, improving Chinese people's self awareness, adhering to the socialist core values, promoting bicultural identity integration, and highlighting "the Chinese" role are all viable paths for healthy development of contemporary Chinese culture.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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