
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


psychology; social governance; social science; social responsibility

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A general purpose of deepening its all-round reform is to advance modernization in the state governance system and governance capability. We argue that psychological research can provide important support for this program. On the one hand, owning to its nature of social science, psychology may reveal the mechanisms of many social processes and social issues. On the other hand, the ideas that social governance advocates, including multiple subjects, deliberative democracy, coordinating contradiction and fine governance, are all closely related to psychology and require deeply understanding of people's mind and behavior. Future study should concern about following topics, including intensifying explorations about psychological issues in social governance; focusing on theoretical localization and methodological diversity; keeping on the orientation of multidisciplinary collaborative innovation; dealing with the relationship between basic research and application research, as well as the contradiction between science and humanistic concern.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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