
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


high-resolution mass spectrometry; pesticide residus data; intelligent analyzing; automatic generation of detection report

Document Type



A technical plaform for pesticide residues detection has been developed on the basis of tri-element integrated technology of highresolution MS-internet-digital science (simply referred as "tri-element integrated technology") inlcuding network leagued laboratories, detection result databases, and 4 sub-bases of fundamental data, data collection system as well as data intelligently analyzing system. The network leagued laboratoies located at various places across the country submit the raw test results of pesticide residues from their client side to the collection system per a unified template; the collection system shall obtain the data, supplement the information, consolidate the derivatives and analyze the toxicity before archiving and storing the results into the test result database based on the judgment of the contamination levels in referrence to maximum residule limit (MRL) of multi-countries. Data intelligent analyzing system shall, based on the settings of conditions by a client, access data, conduct various statistical analysis per the statisitical analytical module, churn out graphs/tables, derive a general conclusion and then return the analytical results to the client side of the network leagued laboratories. Hence the realization of "one-click download" of the detection report with graphs within 30 minutes, with its working efficiency being incomparable to that of the conventional method. The platform for pesticide residue detection data has realized the realtime detection of pesticide residues in edible agricultural products and timely collection, management and intelligent analysis of the data, which may give an automatic generation of the test report of the related pesticide residues within a short time, thus providing a realtime online service for the traceability and safety risk assessment of pesticide residues and the scientific management and application of pesticides. This is an effective and rapid tool for realizing the scientific application of pesticides, supervising the pesticide residue safety, and executing the "the safety of every bite" of our common folks.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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