
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


water resource; water security; sustainable development; Xiongan New Area

Document Type



The construction of Xiongan New Area is a fundamental task that is crucial for generations and a national affair of China, and is also a significant measure to ease non-capital functions of Beijing City and to promote coordinated developments of Jing-Jin-Ji Region. According to the discipline frontiers of water security and sustainable water resource management, this study discussed major water issues emerged in the current construction of Xiongan New Area and Baiyang Lake, including water resource shortage, pollution, and ecological deterioration. Their causes were investigated thoroughly. Some suggestions are proposed to ensure the construction and sustainable development of Xiongan New Area. Integrated water resource management should be implemented to change water policy from water supply management to water demand management. Both new water source exploration and local water saving should be paid equal attention, and pollution emissions should be strictly controlled. Meanwhile, ecological restoration should be carried out in the whole basin and ecological water compensation of Baiyang Lake should be strengthened as well. The study is expected to provide some suggestions and consultations on water resource and environment issues during the construction of Xiongan New Area.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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