
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Xiongan; new area policy; tech-economic paradigm; innovative economy eco-system

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At present, China is at critical juncture of the new global technology-economy paradigm change and the socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era. As a strategy crucial for the next millennium, Xiongan New Area undertakes the grand mission of leading the future development of China's new areas and cities. Firstly, this paper elaborates the connotation of the new technology-economy paradigm change, with the tremendous change of the general production conditions and the key factors of production, the construction of the new area should establish a new development concept, build an innovative and economic eco-system from five perspectives of innovation & enterprise, industry, market, society, and city. Finally, in the framework of these five aspects, we propose 20 policy suggestions for the innovative development of Xiongan New Area.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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