
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Xiongan New Area; national; green; advanced; agriculture; research academy

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As transpoting grain and livestock from north to south in China for a long time, the south of heavily populated area but less farm land is becoming industrialized, at the same time, the sparsely populated northern with vast farmland is becoming the advantageous and potential area of agricultural development. The central government has decided to set up a national Xiongan New Area, which is a millennium plan for the development of science and technology culture in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area, or even in whole China. Recently, the central government issued "Opinion on Innovating System Mechanism to Promote Green Agricultural Development". The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China noted that, the modernization that we need to build is the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has advocated and promoted green agricultural development for long time. It was suggested to establish the national advanced green agricultural research academy in Xiongan New Area, to study the development trend of advanced agricultural science and technology in the world, and innovate the advanced agricultural technology and theory; create green and advanced agricultural model; lead China to become the innovation power of agricultural science and technology in the world. Combining modern urban civilization and the ecological agriculture pattern, form the space pattern of resource conservation and environmental protection, industrial structure, mode of production, and way of life, create picturesque and harmonious as well beautiful ecological environment in Xiongan New Area. To strengthen agricultural going out strategy in "the Belt and Road" area, is not only geopolitically to unite countries around the world, but also establishing global integration of win-win cooperation relations in terms of economy and food security, greatly contribute to the world food security, poverty alleviation, and green peaceful development.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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