
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


pesticide residue; food safety; high-resolution mass spectrometry; information technology; geographical information system (GIS)

Document Type



Pesticides and chemical contaminants residues have become one of the major food safety concerns of the world. The pesticides in the agricultural products sold on the market of China are still found frequently, and the banned and highly toxic pesticides remain a threat to the safety of the "vegetable basket" of our folks. Pesticides monitoring techniques, one of the key control points of the source control of the agricultural product quality, have already changed from the conventional chromatography and mass spectrometry to high-resolution mass spectrometry, with the realization of intelligentization and automation for the qualitative screening of non-target pesticides. On the basis of investigation and analysis of over 4 000 SCI analytical papers on pesticide residue from 1990 to 2016 and the present state of domestic and international pesticide monitoring systems, and combining the tri-element merging technique of high-resolution mass spectrometry-internetinformation technology/geographical information system (GIS) developed by the authors' team over ten years with the practical application results, the research focuses on the core technical means needed to improve the source monitoring of agricultural product quality and risk traceability, and the proposals for planning and implementing national key scientific and technical projects have been put forward in order to develop big data bases for the pesticide residues in the agricultural products sold on the market of China for the purpose of providing technical support for the implementation of the state programs of "Zero Increase of Pesticide Use" and "Boosting the Construction of Healthy China" in 13th Five-Year Plan, as well as moving the food safety monitoring ahead and ensuring the safety of folks bite.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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