
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


food security; supply-side structural reform; global perspective; bottom-line thinking

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Food security is a national strategic issue that could impact development, stability, independence, and self-reliance of a country. The strategy and structure of China's traditional food security system originated from the phase of planned economy is now encountered with a series of challenges. Facing a new development phase, the traditional food security strategy needs to be revised accordingly, in a way to guide and promote the supply-side structural reform in agriculture. This study aims to summarize major status quo and problems faced by both the supply and demand sides at the current phase, and states that the supply-side structure reform is a vital opportunity for building the food security strategy for a new development phase. Efforts should be conducted to clearly define the roles/functions of the government and the market, to erect a global perspective as well as bottom-line thinking paradigm on farmers benefit and environment and resources, and to promote healthy and green lifestyle, in a way to offer appropriate perspective and solutions for the food security issue in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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